Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes 10th December 2014

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 10th December, 2014 at 7.30pm
Pakenham Village Hall

Present: Cllr H Painter (Chairman), Cllr D Dorling (Vice- Chairman), Cllr I Brookman,  Cllr N Davey, Cllr C Palfrey, Cllr M Sargent.
34 Members of the public attended. Cllr Brookman took the minutes.
1 - Apologies for absence: Cllr Bagnell
2 - Declarations of interest: None
3 - To Consider the approval of the minutes of the last meeting:-  
The consideration of the minutes of the meeting of the 26th November 2014 was deferred to the next meeting in the absence of the clerk.

4 - Planning Applications:-
DC/14/2185/TPO : 17 Manor Garth
Tree Preservation Order – Oak
Remove branch over neighbours garden and raise crown to 5m and reduce this by 5%.
Cllr Painter proposed and Cllr Dorling seconded that having inspected the tree that the council raised no objections. Agreed unanimously.
The Chairman to notify Borough Council.
Any applications after the agenda had been posted: None

5 - The Fox Public House:-
The Chairman explained that from the last meeting two questions arose and the Borough Council Legal department had provided the following answers.
1. Responsibility for the payment of compensation? 
This was payable by the council and that the Borough council determined the amount in the first instance with the landowner having a right of appeal to the First Tier Tribunal.
2. Would the moratorium period end if the community group expressing an interest withdrew from bidding?
The moratorium period would run until 5 May 2015 once triggered even if the community group withdrew.

6 - Public Forum:-
The member of the public who has an interest in buying The Fox as a pub stated that he was in negotiations with the landowner. He is committed to trying to reach a deal with the landowner, but because of the deteriorating condition of the property may not be able to maintain his commitment until the end of the moratorium period.
The Chairman asked the parishioners present, if the view of those present was that the parish council should not bid and thereby allow the member of the public the opportunity to reach a deal as soon as possible without the delay that would arise if the moratorium period came into force.  This approach was supported by all those present.
7 - The Fox – Right to Bid:-
Cllr Brookman proposed and Cllr Dorling seconded a resolution that the Parish Council would not exercise its right to submit an expression of interest and trigger the moratorium. Passed unanimously.
The Chairman agreed to write to the Borough Council informing them of this decision
8 - Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda:-
The Chairman reported that Affordable Housing would be discussed at the next meeting. A member of the public asked whether the Parish Council had considered a site at Grimstone End as this was nearer the facilities in Ixworth.  The Chairman explained that this site had been rejected as a result of initial discussions with the planners and the only site with initial planning support was the one being considered in the main village. The Chairman stated that the member of the public could make a planning application or come and speak at the next meeting.  In response to a question from another member of the public the Chairman confirmed the site under consideration was the land next to the Telephone Exchange.
9 - Date of next meeting:- 
Thursday 14th January 2014 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 19.42hrs.