Pakenham Parish Council : Minutes 26th October 2016

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 26th October 2016 at 7.30pm
Pakenham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Painter, Cllr Dorling, Cllr Bagnell, Cllr Brookman, Cllr Davey, Cllr Palfrey and Cllr Sidebotham
One Member of the public was in attendance.
Mrs S Brown (clerk) took the minutes.

1 - Record Councillors' apologies for absence: All Councillors in attendance

2 - Declarations of interest: No declarations of interest received

3 - County Councillor's report: Cllr Hopfensperger attended and gave a report which included: The 'H' marking had been completed on The Street. Cllr Hopfensperger advised she was funding dynarod to come out and investigate the drains in the village hall. It was also advised Pakenham were now on the Suffolk wide rota for speed checks and there was a need to assess suitable sites; the clerk to access the self-assessment form on the SCC website. Council briefly discussed speed watch and signage, the clerk to contact the police for information. Cllr Dorling advised the white lines have been completed on Fen Road but the 'welcome sign to Pakenham' near Windmill Farm has still not been replaced, the clerk to send all outstanding highway items to Cllr Hopfensperger who advised the jetting of the drains in The Street should be carried out within the week. Cllr Palfrey highlighted the decline of the bus service following changes to the timings of the buses carried out about 6 weeks ago, Cllr Hopfensperger to look into this.
Borough Councillors report: Cllr Brown attended and gave a report which included: St Edmundsbury are currently undergoing a staff consultation as well as how to improve services due to the merger of Council services and devolution Cllr Brown advised there was a lot going on behind the scenes with a large number of staff changes, Council briefly discussed. Legal services are taking forward the dog fouling incident. Cllr Dorling advised a member of the public had started tipping soil again within the Ixworth conservation area. Cllr Brown to investigate.
Public Forum: No member of the public wished to speak.

4 - To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meetings:-
The clerk advised in item 5ii the following had been added: '…were installed at a private entrance.' The minutes of the meeting held on 28th September 2016 were approved and signed as a true record.

5 - Matters arising from previous meeting:-
i. Affordable Housing: Havebury Housing will give a response for the next meeting.
ii. Highways: Hen Abbot is no longer the highways engineer for Pakenham a new officer has been appointed. It was reported the hedges at Upper Town are overgrown making it difficult to see signage. The clerk to report to Highways as dangerous.

6 - Clerks Report:-
Adopt a kiosk BT has received a large number of enquiries and are currently working through them at the moment and will send a response as soon as possible. It was suggested when the kiosk is adopted a noticeboard could be installed.

7 - To consider purchase of Vehicle Activated Sign:-
Clerk to arrange an officer to attend a meeting to discuss options available to combat speeding in the village.

8 - To adopt Internal Control Statement:-
Council agreed to adopt an Internal Control Statement and all in agreement not to include the recording of powers. All items were checked and agreed and signed by the Chair.

9 - To consider tree survey from Urban Forestry:-
The tree survey had been undertaken the report had not yet been received to place on next agenda. Cllr Dorling had accompanied Urban Forestry on the survey, the tree in the allotment had been checked and he felt this would need to be taken down to the ground. To discuss with the tree survey at the next meeting.

10 - Correspondence:-
The West Suffolk Parish and Town Conference to take place on Monday, 14th November 6.30 – 9pm, registration from 6pm at the Memorial Hall, Newmarket CB8 8JP. SALC AGM Monday, 14th November at Blackbourne Community Centre, Elmswell. Cllr Sidebotham to attend.
i. To consider purchase of new padlock & keys for allotment gate: Clerk advised the allotment holder had organised a padlock. Council discussed and agreed to leave the padlocks as they were.

11 - Planning:-
DC/16/2177/TCA : Bell House, The Street
TCA 1no. Walnut Tree fell
Cllr Dorling and Cllr Painter had visited the site and reported to Council. Council discussed all in agreement no objection
DC/16/2258/HH : 49 The Owell
Single storey rear extension, new front porch & replacement pitched roof over lean-to extension
Council discussed and all in agreement no objection.

Any applications determined by planning authority:-
DC/16/1380/FUL : 6 Council Houses, Fen Road – 1no. dwelling with attached garage: Refused 12/10/2016
DC/16/1419/HH : Mill View, Grimstone End – Raising roofline to provide 1st floor accommodation with 3no. dormers & 2no. velux windows: Granted 13/10/2016
DC/16/2079/TCA : St Clare, The Street 1no. Pine fell: Granted 14/10/2016

12 - Finance Report and to consider payments to be made:-
The deposit account on 4th April 2016 had a cleared balance of £6715.34.
The current account a cleared balance at 3 October 2016 of £19,261.48
an uncleared balance after the invoices and grant on the agenda have been paid of £16,193.05.
The Wayleave payment of £10.37 had been received from UK Power Networks and banked.
The payment of invoices was agreed:

Cheques raised:-
1499 M & TJ's inv:11860 for grass cutting 240.00
1500 Community Action Suffolk inv:550129 website hosting 60.00
1501 SALC inv:18278 provision of 6 month's payroll service 18.00
1502 I.C.O. annual renewal 35.00
1503 Grant to PVH & PFA as agreed by Council in the budget 1845.00
No further invoices had been received

13 - Councillors' reports and items for future agenda:-
Nothing to report and no items for future agenda.

14 - Date of next meeting:-
The date of the next scheduled meeting was confirmed as Wednesday, 23rd November 2016 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.25pm

(Ref: 167 – 169)